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Konferencja Wikimedia Polska 2007/en

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Wikimedia Polska, polski partner Fundacji Wikimedia.

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Wikimedia Poland Conference 2007
Wikimedia Poland Conference 2007
Wikimedia Polska Conference 2007

Wikimedia Projects and the free software and open content movements

May 1-3, 2007, Białowieża (Poland)

Change the world!

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A lone dreamer can do nothing but dream. Thousands can change the world.

We invite all parties interested in the various aspects of developing and maintaining communities centered around projects developing free knowledge, art, literature and software. Aside from people directly involved with said projects, outside specialits are also very welcome, since their analisis can contribute to the developments of the project communities.

The Wikimedia Projects, based on the MediaWiki software, are probably the largest community of volounteers on the Internet. That is why we wish to share our experience, as well as learn from others.

The goals of the conference

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The goal of this conference is to create a platform for the interchange of experience between participants of Wikimedia projects, participants of other similar communities and third parties.

Apart from that the event will be an occasion to integrate the Wikimedia project community and the people connected with open source and open content movements in general.

Time and place

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The Wikimedia Polska Conference 2007 will take place from May 1 till May 3 2007 in the Complex of Forrest Schools in Białowieża.

More detailed information regarding means of transport, along with maps, will be available soon.


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  • Bursa Zespołu Szkół Leśnych w Białowieży (basic accommodation)
    • price: 100 PLN (ca. 25 EUR) per person per 2 days
    • meals: 7 (included in the price above)
    • conditions: common bathrooms and showers in corridors - rooms 3-4 persons, bedding provided.
  • Hotels
    • List of hotels:
    • Note: You will have to book your room on your own, ASAP. The number of available hotel rooms is very limited.

A broadband internet connection will be available on site, there are also plans to setup a hotspot with WiFi access for all participants.

Call for papers

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We accept presentations, workshop and panel discussion plans centered around the following topics:

  • maintaining, improving or creating projects aimed at creating and disseminating free content (technical, legal, financial and organization aspects etc.)
  • issues relating to the communities of said projects (philosophical, sociological, psychological, cultural, etc.)
  • outside assessments and opinions on the functioning of said projects and their communities

Submissions should include:

  • the subject and authors of the presentation/workshop/panel
  • a short abstract, workshop plan or description of the goals and topic of a panel
  • required technical facilities
  • suggested lenght of the presentation/panel (45 minutes max) or workshop (2 x 45 minutes max)
  • as much ways to contact the authors as possible (e-mail, phone, IRC nick)

W trakcie konferencji dostępne będą komputery z systemami operacyjnymi Linux i MS Windows podłączone do Internetu i rzutnika multimedialnego. W razie potrzeby dostępny też będzie rzutnik slajdów i tzw. "transparencji".

Submissions should be sent via e-mail to The deadline is April 20, 2007.

Contact us

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Wikimedia Poland Conference 2007 Organization Committee
tel: (+48) 22 219 56 94
fax: (+48) 42 637 47 87


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Wikimedia Polska Zespół Szkół Leśnych
Stowarzyszenie Wikimedia Polska


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If you wish to sponsor the conference, please contact:

Stowarzyszenie Wikimedia Polska
al. Jana Chrystiana Szucha 16, klatka 2, piętro 1, lok. 15
00-580 Warszawa
tel. +48 790 290 842


Stowarzyszenie Wikimedia Polska
al. Jana Chrystiana Szucha 16, klatka 2, piętro 1, lok. 15
00-580 Warszawa
tel. +48 790 290 842