Szablon:I18n/Wikimedia Resource Center/pl

Wikimedia Polska, polski partner Fundacji Wikimedia.
Przejdź do nawigacji Przejdź do wyszukiwania

Translatable message strings for the Wikimedia Resource Center editor gadget and Lua module.

Please do not re-arrange these sections. Add new sections to the bottom only.

Also, please do not use tvar, as there are compatibility issues between tvar and the Wikimedia Resource Center Lua module.


[edytuj kod]
  • Kontakt i pytania
  • Rozwój umiejętności
  • Wsparcie grantowe
  • Wsparcie programów
  • Podstawy oprogramowania
  • Rozwój oprogramowania
  • Infrastruktura techniczna
  • Globalne partnerstwa
  • Prawnicze
  • Komunikacja


[edytuj kod]
  • For program coordinators
  • For contributors
  • For developers
  • For affiliate organizers

Editor window

[edytuj kod]
  • Add new resource
  • Edit entry
  • Save
  • Cancel
  • Remove entry
  • Are you sure you want to remove this entry? Doing so will remove it from the entire Wikimedia Resource Center.
  • Header
  • Treat this as a wiki link, e.g. Label
  • Description
  • Briefly describe the resource. You can use wiki markup.
  • Contact
  • You can link to people's user pages. Do not add people without their permission.
  • Related pages
  • You can add wiki links here, e.g. Label
  • Category
  • Audiences
  • This resource originates from the Wikimedia Foundation
  • Edit failed to save.
  • Fields marked with * are required


[edytuj kod]


[edytuj kod]

New individual editor window

[edytuj kod]
  • Add new individual
  • Your wiki username without "User:"
  • Write about yourself, markup supported
  • Picture of yourself without "File:"
  • Username
  • Brief description about yourself
  • Icon
  • Adding new individual
  • Failed adding new individual
  • Skills and experience I can share
  • Select the skills & experiences you can share (max of 2)
  • Program design skills
  • Program evaluation skills
  • Program planning skills
  • Program management skills
  • Storytelling skills
  • Press relations experience
  • Annual planning skills
  • Survey skills
  • Fundraising skills
  • Financial skills
  • Affiliate collaboration skills
  • Event organization and planning skills
  • Event program design skills
  • Facilitation skills
  • Online governance experience
  • New affiliate proposal experience
  • Added you to category:
  • Added you to categories:
  • User:
  • Failed adding new category to your userpage
  • Adding new individual:

New group editor window

[edytuj kod]
  • Add new group
  • Group name
  • Your group name
  • Description of your group
  • Brief description of the group, markup supported
  • Group Icon
  • An icon that depicts or describes the group
  • Adding new group:
  • Failed adding new group to Connect
  • Facebook
  • Provide the link to the group's Facebook page (if any)
  • Twitter
  • The group's Twitter account link here (if any)
  • Youtube
  • Link to the groups YouTube channel (if any)