Biuletyn Informacji Publicznej

UZ 2015-45/załącznik

Wikimedia Polska, polski partner Fundacji Wikimedia.
Przejdź do nawigacji Przejdź do wyszukiwania

UZ 2015-44 UZ 2015-46



z dnia 28 lipca 2015 roku

w sprawie pokrycia kosztów podróży i udziału w konferencji Wikimedia CEE 2015

Konferencja Wikimedia CEE 2015 - to spotkanie wikimedian z środkowej i wschodniej Europy mające na celu promowanie, wspieranie i rozwijanie inicjatyw i projektów międzynarodowych organizowanych przez organizacje partnerskie Wikimedia Foundation z regionu, a także afiliowane grupy terytorialne i tematyczne działające w regionie.

Konferencja odbędzie się w dniach 10-13 września w Voore Puhkekeskus, niedaleko Tartu, w Estonii. Ze względu na naturę miejsca (ośrodek wypoczynkowy w tzw. szczerym lesie), konieczne jest przybycie do Tartu tak aby skorzystać z autobusu zorganizowanego przez kolegów z Estonii i tak samo wrócić. W związku z tym osoby planujące ew. wyjazd nie mogą zakładać przyjazdu i powrotu wcześniej/później.

Oficjalna strona konferencji: meta:Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2015

Zarząd Stowarzyszenia Wikimedia Polska wstępnie założył wysłanie do 5 osób na tę konferencję, przy założeniu, że wszystkie te osoby będą aktywnie uczestniczyć w konferencji - to znaczy zgłoszą jakiś wykład/warsztat/panel dyskusyjny. Konferencja będzie się odbywać w języku angielskim.

Ze względu na to, że organizatorzy nie uruchomili jeszcze zgłaszania tematów, prosimy o zgłaszanie ich poniżej, do terminu 14.08.2015.

Wstępnie ustalony zakres tematyczny konferencji

  • WLM/WLE and other photo-contests
  • GLAM projects
  • Education programs (i.e. programs to use Wikipedia as a education tool)
  • Volunteer support (microgrant systems, wikiworkshops, edith-a-thons, wikiexpeditions etc.)
  • Staff and other internal organizational chapters issues
  • Technical wiki issues (bots, translation tools, help pages, templates etc.)
  • Low-cost projects
  • Promotion of projects/media coverage
  • Advocacy (i.e. legal issues, organizing lobbying etc.)
  • Non-photo contests
  • APG/FDC issues
  • Alternative funds collecting
  • Gender gap

Wzór zgłoszenia

*Username/Real name
*Type of presentation (workshop, lecture, discussion panel)
*Brief abstract  
*Time needed:

Zgłoszenia złożone do 14.08.2015

Wiki Loves Everything

  • Polimerek (dyskusja) 12:03, 10 sie 2015 (CEST)[odpowiedz]
  • Short lecture + discussion
  • Brief outlook on all "Wiki Loves…" - general and statistical to show their pros and cons in hope to start discussion how to organize the perfect photo contest.
  • Time needed: 20 min. lecture + 20 (?) discussion

Wikimedia Polska organizational workflow

  • Polimerek (dyskusja) 12:09, 10 sie 2015 (CEST)[odpowiedz]
  • Lecture
  • Wikimedia Polska is mid-size, mature chapter, probably one of the most sucessful in the region. Therefore we want to share information about how we maintain our daily, routine work. Organization of office, paperwork flow, maintaing projects and how Wikimedia Polska Board meets/coomunicate and take decisions will be prestented.
  • Time needed: 30 min.

Once upon a GLAM... A curious case of paid editting

  • aegis maelstrom δ 21:26, 13 sie 2015 (CEST)[odpowiedz]
  • Discussion / Workshop
  • Keywords: GLAM. Education. Institutions. Paid editting. Experts. Affiliate.
  • Abstract: Paid editing is strongly controversial: it gives a leverage for non-volunteers, may increase bias and – when undisclosed – is a huge foul. OTOH, we perceive some institutions (e.g. GLAM, Education) as acting for a public good and we realize they pay their employees, maybe even to contribute to wikis and free culture. But what happens if we meet on a middle ground, and e.g. the organization wants to contract a Wikimedian (as a Wikimedian in Residence, Trainer or a paid editor)? Where should we draw a line and how should the best practice look like?
    Here I would like to use an example of an initiative done for the National Bank of Poland and discuss it while comparing to your institutional projects.
  • Time needed: 45 minutes?

The power of a "thank you" - motivating volunteers by showing gratitude

  • Magalia (dyskusja) 12:33, 14 sie 2015 (CEST)[odpowiedz]
  • Lecture + discussion
  • Chapters and user groups depend strongly on the work, ideas and time of their volunteers. Motivating those volunteers and keeping them interested in engaging in off line activities is crucial especially for those affiliates which do not hire a larg number of staff. Studies show that a simple "thank you" may be a great motivator. And while we do have some nice tools for showing gratitude online (barnstars and the thank you button) taking this practice offline may require some new ideas. I would like to share with you those ideas and projects - mostly low-cost - we tried in Wikimedia Poland and the effect they have on our voluteers.
  • Time needed: 20 minutes + 10 minutes discussion

Throw them something fresher: how to survive a media crisis

  • User:Magalia and User:Halibutt
  • Short intro + discussion panel
  • Keywords: Promotion of projects / media coverage
  • Abstract: Our projects have been part of everyday life of millions of people long enough to be noticeable by the media. That’s great, but every now and then a crisis occurs: a celebrity is unhappy about his/hers biographic article, a famous scientist bashes Wikipedia for whatever reason, a short-lived vandalism gains long-lived media attention… We would like to show you how we handled some of such crises in the past - and ask your opinion. What should be the best practices in dealing with negative media coverage? How to manage the image of Wikimedia effectively? Finally, how to work towards strengthening the reputation of our projects?
  • Time needed: 15 minutes lecture, 30 minutes discussion

Talking to teenagers about Wikipedia – and why should you

  • User:Halibutt
  • Lecture + discussion
  • Keywords: Education programs, outreach, promotion of projects
  • Abstract: Many veteran Wikimedians consider teaching Wiki to teenagers a waste of time and effort. Yet, several projects we have undertaken in Poland recently prove otherwise. Learning to edit Wikipedia at a young age gives teenagers a unique advantage when entering universities, a set of rare, highly sought-after skills. And, even if retention rate among users who registered their accounts during workshops for teenagers is rather low, the impact of such workshops is high, both in terms of outreach value and in terms of projects' promotion. I would like to share a few insights into several educational projects we have organised in Poland (including a WikiWorkshop for young adults with autism spectrum disorders and a set of workshops for students of Warsaw's high school students), and discuss best practices when dealing with younger people willing to learn Wikimedia.
  • Time needed: 20 minutes lecture + 10 minutes discussion
  • User:masti
  • Lecture + discussion
  • Keywords: Bots, sources
  • Abstract: Wikipedia relies heavily on Internet sources. They sometimes become obsolete, either because the site goes down or changes the link structure. The bot can help in identifying such links and change them to the right ones. Checking Internet Archive also helps. There are also challenges not to report too many links the are in reality alive as those can influence how the users react to them. Putting information in-line in articles versus notifications on Talk pages.
  • Time needed: 20 minutes lecture + 10 minutes discussion


  • Username: Wojciech Pędzich
  • Type of presentation: lecture + discussion / brainstorm
  • Brief abstract: Wikimedia Polska decided to professionalise, hiring two PR employees and a GLAM coordinator. How to hire? How to share duties between paid personnel and volunteers, which is the case in our social media activity? How to build a team otherwise than spending serious money on professional coaching? Duty definitions, reporting lines, crisis situations, responsibilities.
  • Time needed: 15 mins + possible up to 30 minutes discussion / brainstorm